Both emotions signify someone focused on a future event. We feel excited when it’s something we’re looking forward to. Our heart races and our bodies prepare for the upcoming moment. Conversely, when it’s something we aren’t looking forward to, we feel stressed or anxious. Our body actually reacts very similar, but we interpret it much differently. When our heart beats faster, we get increasingly nervous. We begin to slightly sweat. Our mind starts to race. We begin thinking about how uncomfortable we will feel in the future, thus making us feel bad in the moment. We’re focusing on a problem without thinking about how to solve it. You feel anxious because it’s hard to see the end result without seeing the steps that are going to get you there.
So what do we do in these moments? First, recognize the emotional reaction you’re going through. Understand that it’s natural. Think about how you will handle the upcoming issue and only focus on step one. Solving a huge problem or overcoming a big obstacle can be overwhelming at times. However, anyone can take a single step.